December 2017
3rd N.E.W. Bi-Continental Photographic Circuit 2017.
Three out of my 16 submitted photos were awarded with an “acceptance” in the different “Salons”.
Category Black and White: “Antiquarium”. Accepted in the Europa and Mediterranean Salons.
Category Nature: “Enchanted Forest”. Accepted in the Al Wasl Salon.
Category Travel: “Las Palmas City”. Accepted in the Al Wasl and Liwa Salons.
December 2017
Photo Contest Bulgaria
Out of 834 submitted photos in the category “Landscapes”, 255 were awarded with an “Acceptance” including this one of mine:
November 2017
2nd Intercontinental Salon.
Distributed among five „Salons“ with different Jury’s. In total, 6994 pictures were submitted in 3 categories (“Color”, Monochrome” and Travel”). In the “Dominicano Salon”, my photo with the title “Frozen” was awarded with one of the available 11 Diplomas in the category “Color” where 2399 photos were submitted. A total of five of my 12 submited photos were awarded with an “Acceptance” in the various salons.
Category Color: “Frozen”. Accepted in the Dominicano and Cubano Salons plus Diploma in the Dominicano Salon.
Category Monochrome: “When the fog crawled in”. Accepted in the Dominicano, Cubano and GaudiRfoto Salons.
Category Travel: “Visiting the Lighthouse”. Accepted in the Andorra Salon.
Category Travel: “The Shard”. Accepted in the Dominicano Salon.
Category Color: “Loneley trees”. Accepted in the Dominicano Salon.
November 2017
Fédération Luxembourgeoise de la Photographie Artistique:
4e Concours du Championnat National FLPA (2016/2017)
This picture of mine was awarded with an acceptance.
October 2017
5th Olympic circuit (Greece) 2017.
Distributed among four “Salons” with different Jury’s. A total of over 12000 photos were submitted in four categories (“Color”, “Monochrome”, “Travel” and “Nature”). Three out of my 16 submitted photos were awarded with an “acceptance” in the different “Salons”.
Category Travel: “Notting Hill Tube Station”. Accepted in the Zeus and Apollo Salons
Category Travel: “Nymphenburg Palace”. Accepted in the Aphrodite and Hermes Salons.
Category Color: “Antiquarium”. Accepted in the Aphrodite and Hermes Salons.
October 2017
Odessos Photo Exhibition 2017.
12 Acceptations in one exhibition.
Category Color: 719 photos presented, 236 accepted.
Category Black & White: 711 photos presented, 232 accepted.
Category Portrait & Body: 499 photos presented, 162 accepted.
Category Landscape: 415 photos presented, 137 accepted.
Category Action/Movement/Sport: 388 photos presented, 128 accepted.
Category Wildlife:: 355 photos presented, 117 accepted.
Category Phototravel: 584 photos presented, 192 accepted.
Category Architecture: 442 photos presented, 146 accepted.
October 2017
9th Finland International Digital Circuit
These four of 12 photos of mine were awarded with an “acceptation” by four independant Jury’s, the night picture of Clausen was even selected 3 times out of 4.
July 2017
EUROPA 2017 XVI International Salon of Photography
Out of 834 submitted photos in the category “Landscapes”, 255 were awarded with an acceptation including this one of mine:
June 2017
VI internacional Argentina 2017 Federación Argentina de Fotografía
This photo of mine was accepted in the exhibition:
June 2017
I Salón Internacional de Macrofotografía Andorra 2017
Out of 572 submitted photos in the category “Free color”, 84 were awarded with an acceptation including this one of mine:
June 2017
Photo contest and expo from the municipality of Wormeldange with the topic: Less known corners, places, views, events.
The following picture of mine was awarded the 2nd price:
June 2017
Out of 1176 submitted photos in the category “Black & White”, 386 were awarded with an acceptation including this one of mine.
April 2017
VIII International Photography Contest San Just Desvern (Spain)
Out of 1181 submitted photos in the category “Colour”, 287 were awarded with an acceptation including this one of mine.
February 2017
“Echternach in summer”
2nd price in the category “Black & White” and 3rd price in the category “Colour”
Out of 278 submitted photos in the category “Colour”, 24 were awarded with an acceptation including this one of mine.
Distributed among four „Salons“ with different Juries, 7500 presented pictures. Seven of the 16 photos presented by me were awarded with an “Acceptation”, of which three in two of the four “Salons”-, they were the „Landing Swan“, „Evening Lights at Lanzarote“ and „After Grape Harvest“.
Category Nature: “Landing Swan”. Accepted in the Liwa and Mediterranean Salons.
Category Travel: “Evening Lights at Lanzarote”. Accepted in the Liwa and Al Wasl Salons.
Category Open Color: “After Grape Harvest”. Accepted in the European and Mediterranean Salons.
Category Nature: “Butterfly”. Accepted in the Mediterranean Salon.
Category Travel: “Luxembourg City Hall”. Accepted in the Liwa Salon.
Category Nature: “Morning Dew”. Accepted in the Liwa Salon.
Category Open Monochrome: “Morning Fog”. Accepted in the Al Wasl Salon.
Out of 5706 presented photos, 1851 were accepted to be published in the official catalogue of the contest, including these 4 of mine.
Out of 2639 photos presented, 340 were awarded with an “acceptation”, including these 3 of mine.
544 photos were presented in the category “Free Colour” of which 23 were accepted as finalists. The maximum score in this category was 9 points, this one of mine was among those 23 and received a score of 8 points.
Fédération Luxembourgeoise de la Photographie Artistique
42e Salon National 2016 – Honourable Mention.
Odessos Photos Exhibition 2016
These 4 photos were accepted in the exhibition.
9th International Photographic Salon Varna – Kategorie Menschen
In the final selection
Fotoforum Award 2016 – Thema Menschen: Kategorie Alltagsszenen
Honorable Mention
Fotoforum Award 2016 – Thema Menschen: Kategorie Sport & Action
Honorable Mention
4th Greek Photographic Circuit 2016
Diploma in the category “Black & White”
5e Salon International Photographique – Le Catalan 2016
Accepted in the official catalogue
f2 Sociedad fotográfica – Salón Internacional de Fotografía 2016 (Argentina)
Accepted in the official catalogue
International Salon of Photography Light Summit 2016
Accepted in the official catalogue
“Make a wish” Car Rally with Photo Contest August 2015
Accepted in the exhibition
(Banque Degroff January 2016)
Concours Jacques-Marie Bellwald Echternach 2015
1st price in the category “Black & White”
OWHC (Organization of World Heritage Cities) Colours of World Heritage 2015
1st Price for Luxembourg
Photo: Soubry Charles © Phototèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
FIAP 26th Colour Print Biennial 2015 Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
Accepted in the official catalogue
In the final selction of the SATURN contest “Luxembourg, Culture City” (September 2014)